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Sunday, 8 December 2013

Rainbow with a twist a.k.a CMYKake

Have you noticed all the rainbow cakes that have been doing the rounds on the interweb? Like this one, this one and this one? Well, I was just looking for an excuse to create one for myself so of course an opportunity had to arise sooner or later.

Earlier this year I did some work with a colleague on our new colour palette at work - a task that nearly put us both off colours for life. But we got there in the end, so I thought it only apt to produce something of a tribute to this for his recent Birthday.

So a full on seven-tiered rainbow cake would have been a bit over the top so I settled for something a bit more geeky: a four-tiered CMYK cake (CMYKake for short). For those of you who don't get the joke, see me after class or consult Wikipedia.

It started harmlessly enough: four tiers, four bowls of sponge mixture:

Oo now this is where the fun started! Chuck  in the colouring and voila:

Sadly the finished sponges were less vibrant, but still:

And here's the finished article:

The cream cheese icing was a little runny, but thankfully it wasn't a complete triumph of style over substance and actually tasted pretty good!
Hm, maybe seven tiers isn't completely out of the question after all.

P.S. I was very smug at having come up with the CMYKake idea all by myself, but sadly some geeky baker had actually already done this - doh! Oh well, I guess there is nothing new under the sun after all..

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