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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Honk's hoodie

Just before Christmas, I completed a project for my friend Mr Albus Honk. I knew that he dislikes the cold, and also that he has a keen sense of style so it was a no-brainer really. I dipped into the Bernat website and came up with this:

Confused? How about this picture?

No? Ok, here is a picture of Mr Honk modelling the goods:

Exhausting business, modelling.

Oh and here is one of the hood in the upright position:

And a side shot of course.

Despite a couple of my colleagues threatening to call the RSPCA after seeing these photos, I can honestly say that Mr Honk seemed to enjoy his new hoodie and its warmth. In fact, soon after these pics were taken, he snuggled up on L's lap and fell asleep which is not usually the sign of an animal in distress.

This also means that Albus has something to wear underneath his natty Barbour jacket to keep that nasty chill away, good and proper.

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